Termites can invade your home and wreck it without a sound or a sign!
Where are they?! I can't see them!!!
Termites in Jamaica (swarming as rain flies). They very often form "secondary nests" above the ground called "aerial colonies". These independent nests are constructed and survive unconnected to ground contact if there was a moisture source available above ground. These sources of moisture would be from ac ducts, water tanks on roofs, the slightest leak in roofs, inner wall plumbing leaks or condensation. When the nest is fully established they generate their own moisture... even when the original source of moisture is dried up. Termite pellets may be formed as the non–soil termites establish themselves.1/64 of an inch wide.
Termites are organized insects. The colony is divided into casts. Workers and nymphs are the cellulose eaters. They supply food to the soldiers and reproductive termites. The entire colony is hidden and therefore is difficult to locate. Occasionally you'll see flying termites or the wings they leave behind. The termite's are reproductive ones flying off to start new colonies.
Why get rid of them?
Primarily to protect your home and its contents. The termite eats not only structural wood, but also books, clothing and anything else that contains cellulose, their basic nutritional staple.
How do I get rid of them, then keep them out?!
Subterranean termites are almost impossible to control on a do–it–yourself basis. You'll need our professional pest control specialist who utilizes a combination of chemicals and baits, a more total strategy. Pest control professionals place a chemical barrier around homes by injecting chemicals into the soil. A complete treatment may include removing cellulose debris and treating the Roof, the walls and the foundation.Once a home has been treated, our specialist will conduct an annual inspection if you contract for it. Our reputable pest control company guarantees our work.
But hey!! These don't sound like the termites I have!
There are two types of termites in Jamaica that cause damage. We just spoke about subterranean termites, the other is a bit more difficult to eradicate and control. It is the Dry–wood termite. Unlike its cousin the subterranean, it is not dependent on soil and moisture. Giving advantage of traveling in wood structures, furniture, and in the material without having to leave for moisture.
Quite different in moisture requirements but substantially similar in it's nest biology and caste appearance which consist of Queen, King workers, nymphs and winged reproductives. is the voracious Dry wood termite. They live and thrive successfully inside books, benches, pianos, woodcarvings, roofs, picture frames... even chairs, without ever having to leave the item until it is totally devoured.
While both termites swarm as rain flies, the subterranean and above–terranean termite has to find access to structural moisture or ground soil then later send workers to forage for edible wood, it is not so with Dry wood termites, it enters the wood after shedding it's wings and starts it's destruction immediately.
One indication of Dry wood termite are tiny, dark brown to black or cream colored oval pellets falling and piling unto surfaces around the item being devoured. In the case of roofs, pellets may paper scattered on beds, floors or on top of tables ect,. Please note: This is an indication of Dry wood termites only, Subterranean termites do not and are not capable of producing pellets.
Dry wood termites can follow furniture shipments from Canada, Miami or England to it's destination in Jamaica and continue to live, breed and eat during shipment. Unlike the subterranean termite which we said earlier would die within hours of the furniture's' removal from it's subterranean termite vein–connecting source.
Futile attempts at treatment which excludes gas fumigation always fail. Unless the item is as thin as 1/4 ply board, the very awkward way in which termites bore into furniture or timber makes liquid, fog or brush applications on infested timber is very often a waste of time.
No matter how small the item, whether it be a picture frame or an entire house or structure, the impact of gas fumigation as ONE positive step CANNOT OVER–EMPHASSIZED. After this is done the areas must be coated with a special compound that will not nullify the effect of the edible blocks attached to lure incoming rain flies.
Unfortunately, because locally some homeowners find the exercise either too expensive, tedious or dislocating, many innocent customers sit back after arranging for partial (without guarantee) applications, hoping that such treatments will stop or solve the problem even for a while, this is not so, it won't. Termites continue to silently devour the wood, only this time, because the first attempt failed and alerted them, the termite's future activity is going to be even more difficult to pinpoint. They will now establish a much more secret and sophisticated survival machinery to disguise and protect their inner–wood colonies.
In case the colony comes under attack by competing insects (Ants, etc.,) or ant foreign substance (liquids ets.,)... WORKER AND SOLDIER TERMITES IMMEDIATELY BLOCK & SEAL passages that lead to main gallery excavations of their nest. Studies indicate without a doubt that the SEMI-IMPERMEABLE SEALS can only be penetrated by gas. furthermore, only gas can find it's way though dry wood termites' mazelike channels.
We hope that short explanation on the biology and survival behavior pattern of these two DIFFERENT termite types will assist you in arriving at a positive decision and take action of the right kind where treating termites are concerned.
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Where are they?!
Roaches are everywhere. Upstairs, downstairs, in the bathroom and in your clothes if you're not careful. Roaches can live in electronic appliances. Some enter even the cleanest homes in shopping bags and soda cartons. Or just crawl or fly in!
"How did I get Roaches?"
The two most common ways are...you carried them or their eggs with you in your grocery cartons, or they just walked in though an open window, door or though a crack in the wall or roof.
"Why do Roaches like to stay in my home?"
Roach like what people like...food, moisture, and shelter (cracks and crevices).
FOOD Because roach can go several weeks without food; substances such as grease, sugar, or flour, can sustain a roach for a long period of time.
SHELTER The roach seeks the feeling of tightness afforded by a dark crack or crevice. It has special sensory organs which detect air movements and moisture leading him to food and shelter.
WARMTH AND MOISTURE Cracks and crevices around and between such warmth producing units as stoves, water heaters, and refrigerators provide the ideal roach environment. This is why most often we see them in kitchens. Here they find all their survival and breeding requirements.
The importance of eliminating roaches...
Roaches are rated next to flies as carriers of organisms that cause diseases such as "staph" infections, food poisoning, urinary tract and skin infections, allergies, dysentery, etc.
Roaches contaminate and destroy food. They may also import a characteristic odor to food and to the areas of infestations.
Some entomologists and microbiologists believe that the oily coating on roaches serves as a culture in which organisms can reproduce.
How we can eliminate roaches?
First. Call Us! Complete Roach control requires knowledge of the pest, sanitation and pest management program. An effective program attacks the roach and its basic survival requirement, (food, water and shelter) and includes the application of a selected insecticide in the proper locations, especially our baits which destroys the root of the problem. NESTS!
The length of time required to eliminate roaches depends on their development cycle. Listed below are the most common species, their areas of preference along with their development cycle:
Likes warm, dry places close to water... Kitchen, etc Egg to adult...8 to 36 weeks.
Likes warm, damps places.... Sewers, etc Egg to adult...22 to 78 weeks.
Likes warm, humid climate... Outside gardens, etc Egg to adult...31 to 94 weeks.
OK now we all now that these "HUGE" Gportentosa species do not inhabit our Island, So why show them you ask? Well, unlike the German and American roaches, this species is clean! Meaning it does not transmit diseases! Touchable, hold able, and even kissable roaches.
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To tell exactly where the ants live in your house would depend on the type of ants that you see. For example, Black Ants usually stay outdoors and stop in regularly for food. Carpenter Ants, the most destructive of all, find warm moist places where they build nests in wood. Homeowners notice Carpenter Ants when they see small pieces of sawdust like the debris or insulation.
What are they eating in my house?! I don't have any insects for them!!
What they feed on is varied. One will favor grease. The other prefers seeds, something sweet, other insects or leftovers from your dinner.
Why get rid of them?
No ant is a productive addition in your home. Some bite, some get into food items. Some sting and occasionally cause a severe reaction to sensitive skin. Carpenter ants do the most damage by destroying structural wood in furniture.
Now What?
As usual, we suggest that you clean homes and seal food containers. This discourages ants from taking up residence. Once ants have entered home, however, you need to identify them accurately. Then you can get rid of them effectively. If the other household pesticide fails to control them, you may need to call our professional pest control centers for accurate identification and help.
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House Flies are 3/16-inch long and light gray with four dark stripes on the back of the thorax (segments right behind the head with legs and wings attached). They only have two wings and the fourth longitudinal wing vein has a sharp upward turn. The head is dominated by large red-brown common eyes, which are surrounded by a light gold strip. Short antennae emerge from between the eyes. They have sponging mouthparts.
House fly larvae or maggots are spindle shaped and creamy white. They have dark mouth hooks at the head end and breathing slits at the tail end that look like a "wavy W". House fly larvae are 5/16- to 7/16-inch long when they changed to the brown seed like pulpa stage.
Biology: Female house flies lay their eggs in a variety of moist, rotting, fermenting, organic matter including animal manure, accumulated grass clippings, garbage, spilled animal feeds, and soil contaminated with any of the above items. The eggs are laid singly but in clusters of 75 to 150 eggs. a female may lay more than 500 eggs in a lifetime.
The eggs hatch within a day and the young larvae burrow into the breeding medium to finish their development in from three days to several weeks depending on the temperature and quality of food materials. Larvae that are about to pupate migrate to the drier portions of the breeding medium where they remain as pupae for three days to four weeks before emerging as adults. Under life cycles in less than seven days.
The adult flies may migrate to un infested areas up to 20 miles away but most stay within one or two miles of their birthplace. Adult house flies have a very general appetite and feed on foods ranging from excrement to human foods by liquids but can eat some solids food by liquefying it with a grate number of filth-related diseases.
Control: House fly control can be successfully achieved with a co-ordinate program that includes: 1) sanitation, 2) insecticide controls and 3) the proper use of insecticides.
Sanitation is essential to remove or eliminate fly breeding sites. Materials where flies can breed must be removed or made unsuitable for fly breeding or storing in a very liquid condition. Good sanitation eliminates a large number of flies, which help to make insecticides more effective. Mechanical control measures, including screening, air blast doors, and electrocuting grid help to kill or prevent adult flies from entering premises. Insecticides should be applied as residual spays on fly resting places both indoors and outdoors and in the form of aerosols, mist, fogs, baits, or insecticide impregnated strips for adult fly control. Larvicide's for control of maggots may also be necessary to reduce fly breeding in some areas. Allethrin, bioallethrin, chlorpyrifos, cypermenthrin, diazinon, fenthion, fenvalerate, malathion, pemethrin, phenothrin, propoxur, pyrethrins, pyrethrins plus diatoms, and resmethrin can all be used for house fly control.
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The common house mouse lives in walls, floors, cabinets and furniture. They build nests out of almost any kind of material. They require warmth, food, and only little, if any, water.
House mice enter homes by squeezing through cracks in the basement windows, foundations, and attic. They can even ride cartons or garden goods. Once inside, they are hard to detect because they are more than 20 feet from their nest when spotted and only come out at night.
What are they doing here!?
The house Mouse will chew your books, clothes, upholstery and food. It will chew small holes just for the fun of it and leave urine wherever he goes. He does this to mark his path so that he will remember where to go the next night. He'll also eat your food, and will contaminate it with urine and droppings as well.
What do I do now!?
If you have resident mice, you can try using mousetraps and baiting them with peanut butter, bacon, sweet potato or apples. However, you should also Call one of our pest control specialists. He can locate the places where the mice enter. And, he knows the most effective way to keep them out!
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This Rodent in particular is a Norway Rat. It lives in the ground in borrows, in foundations of buildings, in basements, walls and under flooring. It also inhabits sewers, garbage cans and other hidden locations. Norway rats eat everything meat, fish cereal and fruits. They prefer traveling over flat surfaces but will climb pipes, wires and over high walls to reach food.
It is important to get rid of them because they carry diseases, even deadly ones. They also contaminate food.
You can achieve this by sealing all openings (including attic openings) and making sure your garbage pans are properly sealed. Look around potential rat shelters, such as wood pipes and stacks of boxes. However, if you have or suspect rats in your home, you should contact our professional pest control operator for advice on rat proofing, poison, and other control measures. The rats are too dangerous to treat lightly. Our pest control expert can eradicate them safely and quickly.
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Where are they staying?! And Why ME?!
Lizards are everywhere. Upstairs, downstairs, behind your pictures on the wall and in your closet! They also mess up your wall and artifices with their trademark "graffiti" markings and keep your family up at night with their mating or territorial croaking!!!. Do you need more reasons to find them a nuisance? The reason they are in your house is to feed on the Insects such as moths that come into your house because of attraction to light sources at night. They also establish "mating nests" in your home for their own convenience.
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Mosquito's are everywhere, and we all know what a nuisance! They are, biting, buzzing and also capable of carrying Diseases.
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant bodies of water. Which means they can breed in many places such as ponds, Cans or other trash that collects rain water, jars keeping water for flowers, gulls, hollow coconut and especially sewage and septic pits ....... Now you can see the reason there are so many of them around you. But it's not all of them that bite! Only the Female mosquito. the males go for plant sap and nectar.
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Where dose it live in my home?
Silverfish often are your first guest, uninvited to be sure. New homes are infested before the owners even arrive because silverfish are brought in on lumber and wallboard. They seek damp, bookbinding's, sweet foods, and fibbers such as linen, rayon, silk and cotton.
Silverfish feed at night and may go undetected for years.
Why get rid of them?
The silverfish is not harmful to your health, but they can cause considerable damage to your property. He'll work on your upholstery, curtains, clothes, rugs and wallpaper!
How do I keep them or get rid of them?
Vacuuming rugs and floors will minimize infestations. If lots of silverfish are living in your house, you may need to thoroughly apply sprays or chemical dust. Follow the directions on pesticide labels carefully or call your professional pest control specialist for help.
The Bat
Ok! So its not an insect but is is a pest to some people. Our Jamaican bats eat fruits and do not harm us at all. But they do mess up the walls and shades they hang from.
Where are they in my house?
The Ticks favor baseboards, walls, window frames and sills, paper, curtains, picture, picture frames and ceilings. Wherever they find cracks and crevices.
Ticks can become genuine household pest. Once inside, an adult female may deposit as many as 3,000 eggs in a single hiding place. When the eggs hatch, the homeowner has a real nightmare!
Ticks do not feed only on dogs and certain farm animals, but enjoy us as well in their grasslice stage! Before each stage of their growth, they must have a full blood meal. After eating, they drop off the host and seek a crack for hiding.
Why get rid of them?
Because Ticks will irritate your pet by taking his blood. They may ruin his health. In addition, they will become residents in your home.
How do I keep them out or get rid of them?
You can make it harder for ticks to invade your home by inspecting your dogs. Carefully look around the ears, neck, and between the pads of the feet. If your dog has ticks, consult your veterinarian.
If the ticks already are in your home and on your property, however, you may need a professional pest control operator to locate all their hiding places and thoroughly apply the proper chemicals for a long-lasting residual effect.
Where dose it live in my home?
Fleas very often originate from the carcasses of dead rodents and invade your home. Fleas are not particular and will establish themselves anywhere. Flea eggs brought in by household pets fall to the floor, rugs, carpets, tapestry or onto furniture. They lay in cracks, crevices or folds until they hatch.
Hatching time is brief-a few days. over a tow-week period they can complete a generation! And then fleas start eating... your dog, your cat, you or whoever happens to be warm-blooded and available.
Why get rid of them?
Almost everyone who is exposed to fleas is bitten. Some people get itchy, red welts.
There is an added danger. Because fleas dine on blood, they can transmit disease. One kind of flea, for example, transmits bubonic plague from rats to man.
How do I keep them out or get rid of them?
Inspecting and cleaning your pest will help keep the flea population in control. Flea collars also may help, but it's advisable to first check with your veterinarian. In addition, or change your animal's bedding frequently.
Getting rid of fleas can be a problem. If no animals or people are present, they'll live in a state similar to suspended animation. This happens when you go on vacation. Once you return, They'll begin feasting again.
So, once your house is invaded, chemicals may be necessary to effectively and completely eliminate the fleas. If your efforts with household pesticides don't solve the problem, check with our professional pest control specialists.
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